ABM SKITTLES CLUB Wallingford Sports Park | Hithercroft Road | Wallingford | OX10 9RB
The ABM Skittles Club was formed in 1964 and is one of the few skittles leagues outside of the hotbed of 9-pin skittles - the West Country. We play most weekday evenings (Monday to Thursday) throughout the year with both a Winter and a Summer league in full swing. We use traditional wooden balls and pins and our players range from 16 to 80 years of age. Although the league is competitive, most players are mainly attracted by the comradery - oh, and the low bar prices! If you are interested in joining us at the Wallingford Sports Park on Hithercroft Road, just pop down and watch a game - you will be made most welcome! Enjoy a drink from the bar. Alternatively, to find out more, email us at abmskittles@gmail.com
Club merchandise! Check your email!!! None of this cheap, plastic tat - these are real fabric polo shirts and real glass glasses! * We are now offering these for sale. The unisex polo shirts will be available in 6 different sizes and in 17 different colours. An email should have winged it’s way into your inbox with ordering details. * P.S. not to scale!
Highest Total: 194 Lads' Night Out Lowest Total 128 Spare Ribs Best Team Average: 174.4 Last Six Highest Leg: 46 Best Sellers 46 Spare Ribs Lowest Leg 16 Summer Smilers Highest Score: 42 Tom Morgan Best Average: 34.17 Tom Morgan Highest Spare: 15 Lance Thompson 15 Tom Morgan Highest Losing Leg: 40 Best Sellers vs. LNO 40 Alsorts vs. Find The Gap